Raila: "When you see Raila, you see a leader who stands for the truth. I can be compared to Mandela, Galileo Galilei and Jesus.”
When I saw Mandela I said maybe. Galileo; I opened my eyes wider. Jesus! No! The few people that I have seen call themselves Jesus were on Prozac or were admitted to some mental facility for treatment. It is shocking for a future president to be arrogant enough to compare himself with God.
When Jesus was on earth, He did not brag about being the son of God. He never rode on the chariots –the era’s Hummers. The bible told us that Jesus rode a donkey to Jerusalem. As God, Jesus had the powers to say let there be white horses and a golden chariot but he did not. It is ridiculous for a man rides around in a Hummer and leaves people chanting ere mtoka to compare himself to Jesus.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice. That cannot be said of Raila son of Odinga. The man who brags of leading the 82 coup attempt fought to save his skin as sons of peasants were led to the gallows. Raila didn’t offer to die for Ochuka, Oriwa Hongo, Odhiambo Ndege, Injeni Njeremani, Fenwicks Obuon, Ogidi Obuon, Mirasi Odawa, Odira Ojode, Pancras Oteyo, Adel Omolo, Odemba Otieno or Akoth Otila. Today he is a billionaire enjoying life while the families of his buddies wallow in poverty. A Jesus?
Jesus was never power hungry. That cannot be said of Raila who has gone as far as shedding tears as he sees his ambition disappear into thin air. This is a man who has even sworn with a bible in the air that his arch-rival made power promises that he did not deliver.
When I saw Mandela I said maybe. Galileo; I opened my eyes wider. Jesus! No! The few people that I have seen call themselves Jesus were on Prozac or were admitted to some mental facility for treatment. It is shocking for a future president to be arrogant enough to compare himself with God.
When Jesus was on earth, He did not brag about being the son of God. He never rode on the chariots –the era’s Hummers. The bible told us that Jesus rode a donkey to Jerusalem. As God, Jesus had the powers to say let there be white horses and a golden chariot but he did not. It is ridiculous for a man rides around in a Hummer and leaves people chanting ere mtoka to compare himself to Jesus.
Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice. That cannot be said of Raila son of Odinga. The man who brags of leading the 82 coup attempt fought to save his skin as sons of peasants were led to the gallows. Raila didn’t offer to die for Ochuka, Oriwa Hongo, Odhiambo Ndege, Injeni Njeremani, Fenwicks Obuon, Ogidi Obuon, Mirasi Odawa, Odira Ojode, Pancras Oteyo, Adel Omolo, Odemba Otieno or Akoth Otila. Today he is a billionaire enjoying life while the families of his buddies wallow in poverty. A Jesus?
Jesus was never power hungry. That cannot be said of Raila who has gone as far as shedding tears as he sees his ambition disappear into thin air. This is a man who has even sworn with a bible in the air that his arch-rival made power promises that he did not deliver.

Lang’ata MP Raila Odinga lifts the Bible at Boito PAC Church,
Kericho District, and swears that in 2002, President Kibaki
pledged to govern for only one term.
Jesus was never violent. He was a democrat who believed in free will. Not once did He order his disciples to stone those opposed to His teachings. The same cannot be said of Raila who is known to be the de facto leader. Storming and stoning are words that are always on his lips. Anybody who dares oppose the Dear Leader is branded a tribalist and orders of his stoning are issued. The honorable MP even throws punches in Bunge when he is lost of words to support his stand. If Raila is like Jesus them Gumo can say the same on himself.

Brutal: Armed youths beat up an innocent bystander outside Parliament yesterday. The men circled are said to be aides of NDP leader Mr. Raila Odinga.
The sage said: Chema cha jiuza, kibaya cha jitembeza. Raila should not go around blowing his own trumpet. Mandela has never compaired himself to Jesus or Martin Luther King Jnr. He is Mandela; a brand of it’s own. Galileo never called himself Aristotle. Let Raila be Raila. He cannot go around bragging that he is in a class of Jesus for he is not.
I think you have nothing to do. I'd rather you talked about what the government has done and what it has not done. Its utterly a waste of time to keep on talking about one person day in day out. And even if you were to do so, isn't there anything positive that Raila has done? By the way you are enjoying a democratic space that Raila and others created. You would in Nyayo house by now.
So instead of finding out whether Raila has furt or not, talk more sensible things.
I think you have nothing to do. I'd rather you talked about what the government has done and what it has not done. Its utterly a waste of time to keep on talking about one person day in day out. And even if you were to do so, isn't there anything positive that Raila has done? By the way you are enjoying a democratic space that Raila and others created. You would in Nyayo house by now.
So instead of finding out whether Raila has furt or not, talk more sensible things.
Enos u r one of the stupidest people alive. U should not attempt to dictate to people on what to write. U r the one with absolutely nothingto write about.
u have only two options here faggot: Stop reading the site and start your own or say one thing said hre that is not true. Has he been associated with hooliganism? Has he always been afraid of free and fair democratic electoral contests? Is he anywhere near the class of Jesus?
Is he comparable to mandela or martin Luther king?
Dont bother looking for answers to the above questions. the answer to every single one is NO.
Raila Odinga is just like his father Idd Amin Dada, period.
mbeeeeh mbeeh mbeeeh laila laila laila when odm takes power mosaisi the funeral gome maiti washer will have nothing more to talk about :lol:
interesting commentaries although not researched at all
Hon Raila Amolo Odinga, the Mp for Kibera, nay, Langata, is considered a Kingmaker in Kenyan politics. According to the late Hon Michael Kijana Wamalwa, he inspires both Railamania and Railaphobia while the latest biography aptly describes him as an enigma in Kenyan politics. In Luo Nyanza Raila has cultivated a cult of personality that is the envy of many a politician. This cult has spawned myths that elevates Raila almost to the level of luo legends like Gor Mahia and Lwanda Magere. Infact, Hon Raila Amolo Odinga, the Mp for Kibera, nay, Langata, is considered a Kingmaker in Kenyan politics. According to the late Hon Michael Kijana Wamalwa, he inspires both Railamania and Railaphobia while the latest biography aptly describes him as an enigma in Kenyan politics. In Luo Nyanza Raila has cultivated a cult of personality that is the envy of many a politician. This cult has spawned myths that elevates Raila almost to the level of luo legends like Gor Mahia and Lwanda Magere. Infact, professors of Political Science bow in awe and sing praises to Agwambo, owad gi Akinyi
Raila straddles the Kenyan political landscape like the proverbial colossus. Whenever, he is out of the country, his absence speaks even louder. He has the knack of setting the political agenda by just calling a prss conference; and even if you are dyed-in-the-wool critique of this guy, you must appreciate one fact: he is a force that cannot be wished away.
Despite all this accolades as a politician, Raila fails miserable as a leader. This is manifested by the increasing socio-economic misery that he has brought to members of the luo community. No wonder, the word luo Nyanza evokes negative feelings of poverty disease and immaturity. This is not to say that Raila is wholly responsible for the woes facing the luo community, members of this community are equally culpable.
To begin with, Raila enjoys unbridled power as leaders of the luo community- forget the fact that he is a Nairobi MP. This has come about due to the fact that the luos suffered immensely under Kenyatta and Moi to the point where they were desperate for leaders who will fearless fight for them. The late Jaramogi Odinga, one of the most principled and honest politicians this country has ever had - took up this mantle but fate was not kind to him. His son ascended to this throne with the promise to deliver the luo from socio-political wilderness. Unbeknown to the luo community, he subtly changed course and is now leading them deeper and deeper into the hot desert while he is covered with a human umbrella and has fresh water at his disposal. He has even taken all the manna that dropped from heaven so that his people can remain hungry and beg from him.
Many sons and daughters of the luo community have died in this circus of the so called political and economic liberation while his closest relatives live in luxury. When its is appropriate, Raila sheds crocodile tears knowing well aware that these suffering and death only serves to reinforce the persecution complex within the community that ensures his political survival.
It is instructive to note that the sugar and fish sector remain the mainstay of luo economy. However, no single day not one I know of has Raila ever employed his mobilization skill and rhetoric to fight for the farmers and the fisherfolk. For along time, before Kibaki came to power, sugar framer went for years without being paid for their produce. Meanwhile, tones of sugar were being imported into the country compounding further the woes further. All this time, Agwambo never raised a finger or was he part of the cartel that was importing sugar. In the fish sector, it is ironical that people in Nyanza are contended with fish skeletons popularly known as mgongowazi due to high levels of poverty while hoping against hope that all will be well when Raila becomes president Never!
Some will argue that Raila is the MP for Kibera and is not responsible for the woes affecting the people of Nyanza. Nothing could be further from the truth. Raila is covertly and overtly at the centre of all the major political events taking place in the region including who becomes MP, if in doubt, just ask Raphael Tuju, the MP for Rarieda. However, this is not to say that Tuju should provide the much needed alternative centre of power, given that he cannot be come an MP if left to his own devices.
One would ask: what do you want Raila to do? Before I answer the question, I would say that Raila has remained the undisputed (mis)leader of the luo community for very long time. If he was wise and had the interest of the luo people, he would use this privileged position to help his people economically and not to pursue his own selfish political interests at the expense of his community. He should do this by using his influence among the luo as a political bargaining chip to force the government acquiesce to the urgent needs of his people in whatever way possible in return for political support. Politics for its own sake will not help the luo people.
At this point, I want to challenge Raila to tell the public any substantial contribution in terms of economic development that he has made to his community.
In conclusion, its time for the luo to take a hard look at themselves in the social-economic mirror and see the bruises and wounds in their faces caused by a leader whom they worship more than Nyasaye
I would have to agree that this man had to be an arrogant leader. A man to compare himself to the most famous man in history to non-believers and God to believers is the most stupidest claim I have ever heard. I am outraged by this man, I don't even think that this man can compare himself to Mandela (one of our geniuses of today). Galilei was arrested for heresy exposing how corrupt the church was, but this man is flat out a deceiver, lier, and lunatic.
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